Sinopsis: In the wilderness of the Bucharest Delta, an abandoned water reservoir just outside the bustling metropolis, the Enache family lived in perfect harmony with nature for two decades, sleeping in a hut on the lakeshore, catching fish barehanded, and following the rhythm of the seasons. When this area is transformed into a public national park, they are forced to leave behind their unconventional life and move to the city, where fishing rods are replaced by smartphones and idle afternoons are now spent in classrooms. 

Director: Radu Ciorniciuc
Screenwriter: Lina Vdovîi
Cinematographer: Radu Ciorniciuc, Mircea Topoleanu
Editor: Andrei Gorgan
Producer: Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan
Co-producers:  Erik Winker,  Ümit Uludağ, Ari Matikainen, Martin Roelly
Executive Producer HBO Europe: Hanka Kastelicova
Producer YLE Finland: Erkko Lyytinen
Main Partner: UiPath Foundation 
Genre: feature length documentary
Status: released